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Quezon City, Manila, Philippines
VISION & MISSION STATEMENT North York Allied Institute Vision NYAI, Inc. envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge with exceptional research and teaching through dedication in academic freedom, accessible education and world-class innovation. North York Allied Institute Mission NYAI, Inc. Shall mold the key aspects of the student’s personality quintessential to their journey towards the real world, by preparing their mental, physical and spiritual development and ensure that good values are inculcated in their moral fiber thereby assuring our society of good honest and educated citizens. Were located at #9 Vipra st. Bryg. Sangandaan Project 8 Quezon City, Our Phone numbers: 938-7805, 409-7220

Saturday, February 7, 2009

NYAI Welcomes the new line-up of the teachers for S.Y. 2009-2010

North York Allied Institute Management would like to welcome the new teachers for grade school and high school for school year 2009-2010. After two months of interview and demo teaching, Sir Teody Navea, the school director finally decided who among the 28 applicants to fill-in the teaching faculty for school year 2009-2010.

The school decided to start interviewing new teachers after the result of the evaluation of the teaching faculty thru the student evaluation form. The school Vp Mr. Ramon N. Gemina, conducted room to room evalution, using the student evaluation form.

Finally, after the two months of interview and teaching demo every Saturday. Background checks and employment verification was conducted.

"We finally decided who among the 28 applicants are hired to teach this coming school year 209-2010". Remarks by Sir Teody the school director.

NYAI Management, assured parents that the next school year faculty will be much better. They are well trained and hand pick based in their qualifications.

Among its current faculty only few will remain based in their evaluation, for the grade school and high school faculty only Ms. Asis will be renewed for next school year. While the two teachers from the preschool will again, renewed for the next school year. The other teacher’s who didn’t make it for the evaluation based in the student evaluation and management evaluation will have until the April 4, 2009. Memo regarding this evaluation will be released this month by the management.

to get the list of the new line-up of faculty and their credentials, kindly email northyork.institute@yahoo.com