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Quezon City, Manila, Philippines
VISION & MISSION STATEMENT North York Allied Institute Vision NYAI, Inc. envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge with exceptional research and teaching through dedication in academic freedom, accessible education and world-class innovation. North York Allied Institute Mission NYAI, Inc. Shall mold the key aspects of the student’s personality quintessential to their journey towards the real world, by preparing their mental, physical and spiritual development and ensure that good values are inculcated in their moral fiber thereby assuring our society of good honest and educated citizens. Were located at #9 Vipra st. Bryg. Sangandaan Project 8 Quezon City, Our Phone numbers: 938-7805, 409-7220

Friday, October 2, 2009

Elementary, HS classes to resume Monday

MANILA - The Department of Education (DepEd) on Saturday announced that classes from pre-school to secondary levels in Metro Manila will resume on Monday.
Kenneth Tirado of the DepEd's public information office said the class resumption covers private and public schools.
Tirado, meanwhile, said classes in schools that are being used as evacuation centers for the victims of tropical storm Ondoy will remain suspended.
The National Disaster Coordinating Council said 226 school buildings, majority of which in Metro Manila, are currently housing 12,560 families or 26,212 persons.
The agency added that Ondoy's onslaught last weekend damaged 331 elementary school buildings and 88 high schools.
Tirado said parents and students should also watch out for announcements from their respective local governments regarding class suspensions.
The Commission on Higher Education, which has supervision over colleges and universities, has yet to make a similar announcement. It suspended classes until Saturday due to the tropical storm.