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NYAI Profile

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Quezon City, Manila, Philippines
VISION & MISSION STATEMENT North York Allied Institute Vision NYAI, Inc. envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge with exceptional research and teaching through dedication in academic freedom, accessible education and world-class innovation. North York Allied Institute Mission NYAI, Inc. Shall mold the key aspects of the student’s personality quintessential to their journey towards the real world, by preparing their mental, physical and spiritual development and ensure that good values are inculcated in their moral fiber thereby assuring our society of good honest and educated citizens. Were located at #9 Vipra st. Bryg. Sangandaan Project 8 Quezon City, Our Phone numbers: 938-7805, 409-7220

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Resume of Classes!

We would like to inform everyone, parents and students that the resume of classes will be on November 3, 2009. Thank you and enjoy your long vacation with your love ones.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Schedule of the admin office

Schedule & hours of admin & accounting office During the semestral break.Accounting office is open until October 31, 2009 to accept payment of tuition fees.

October 26 – 30, 2009: 8am – 5pm
October 31, 2009: 9am – 12noon.

We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges. Enjoy your semestral vacation.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Schedule of semestral break!

Regarding Schedule of classes.

October 26 – 28, 2009 : Regular classes
October 29 – November 2, 2009 : Semestral break
November 3, 2009 : Resume of classes

Schedule & hours of admin & accounting office:
Accounting office is open until October 31, 2009 to accept payment of tuition fees.

October 26 – 30, 2009: 8am – 5pm
October 31, 2009: 9am – 12noon

Rebates applies to early payment.
Surcharges applies for payment starting November 4.

During the semestral break you can email us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com

Monday, October 19, 2009

Congatulation to the following Raffle Winners!

The following winners of the raffle draw ticket for Mr & Ms. NYAI.

3rd Prize - Chesha Terenueva
San Roque, Sangandaan, Quezon City.

2nd Prize - Rolando Pastoral
Sito Pajo, Baesa, QC

1st Prize - Zoe Grace
Project 8, Quezon City

Congatulations and more power!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Congratulations to the new little & Mr & Ms NYAI 2009

Ms. NYAI 2009 - Anabel Gonzales
Mr. NYAI 2009 - Zar Daluz
Little Ms. NYAI 2009 - Star Ramoy
Little Mr. NYAI 2009 - Mark Uybubulante

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday Classes starting October 17, 2009.

As per DepEd instruction we wish to inform you that starting this Saturday, October 17, 2009 the school will have regular classes until such time that we will be able to fill-in the number of days of which we cancelled classes due to a series of holidays and natural calamities.

Further, we wish to invite you for the releasing of your children's report cards tomorrow at 9:00am. Advisers will be the ones to release the students' cards so they maybe able to have a brief conference with you regarding your child's performance for the second grading period.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Picture from the field trip!

Snapshots from the field trip, students and parents both enjoy the tiring but rewarding trip. For more photos you can visit the website at http://www.northyorkinstitute.webs.com/.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Elementary, HS classes to resume Monday

MANILA - The Department of Education (DepEd) on Saturday announced that classes from pre-school to secondary levels in Metro Manila will resume on Monday.
Kenneth Tirado of the DepEd's public information office said the class resumption covers private and public schools.
Tirado, meanwhile, said classes in schools that are being used as evacuation centers for the victims of tropical storm Ondoy will remain suspended.
The National Disaster Coordinating Council said 226 school buildings, majority of which in Metro Manila, are currently housing 12,560 families or 26,212 persons.
The agency added that Ondoy's onslaught last weekend damaged 331 elementary school buildings and 88 high schools.
Tirado said parents and students should also watch out for announcements from their respective local governments regarding class suspensions.
The Commission on Higher Education, which has supervision over colleges and universities, has yet to make a similar announcement. It suspended classes until Saturday due to the tropical storm.

DepEd announcement Sept 29

Education Secretary Jesli Lapus earlier announced that elementary and high school classes in public and private schools in Metro Manila will remain suspended until Friday, October 2, due to the devastating effects of tropical storm Ondoy.
Lapus said the government is giving local government and school officials the discretion of suspending classes.
"Depending on local conditions in other areas, local government and school authorities may exercise judgment to suspend classes," Lapus said.