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NYAI Profile

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Quezon City, Manila, Philippines
VISION & MISSION STATEMENT North York Allied Institute Vision NYAI, Inc. envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge with exceptional research and teaching through dedication in academic freedom, accessible education and world-class innovation. North York Allied Institute Mission NYAI, Inc. Shall mold the key aspects of the student’s personality quintessential to their journey towards the real world, by preparing their mental, physical and spiritual development and ensure that good values are inculcated in their moral fiber thereby assuring our society of good honest and educated citizens. Were located at #9 Vipra st. Bryg. Sangandaan Project 8 Quezon City, Our Phone numbers: 938-7805, 409-7220

Saturday, December 26, 2009


North York Allied Institute wishes you a meaningful, fun-filled christmas! May your days burst with the colors of hope and happiness as you step into the New year! Cheers from NYAI management, staff and faculty.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Annoucement for The Holiday Schedule

Holiday break officially starts, for other concerns like documentation & payment of fees. The accounting department is open until next week December 23, 2009 from 9am to 5pm. Resume of classes January 4, 2009. NYAI would like to greet Joyeux Noel and enjoy the holidays!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Christmas holiday starts: December 18, 2009. Classes resume January 4, 2009.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


North York Allied Institute now offers scholarship and promo for SY 2010-2011.

Canadian Scholarship Voucher:
Php 10,000 discount for in-coming first year high school
Php 5,000 discount for all old students

Bring a Friend Promo:
Just simply bring a friend to enroll and we will wave your downpayment free!

OWWA scholarship for OFW's and beneficiaries for College courses.

Call the admission office for more details at 409-7220, 454-5734, 938-7805.

We are now accepting enrollment for SY 2010-2011.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


North York Allied Institute, now accepts OWWA SCHOLARSHIP FOR OFW'S & BENEFICIARIES under the Skills-for-employment scholarship program (SESP). For more information, you may visit or call us at 938-7805, 409-7220, 454-5734.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3rd Summative Examination

The 3rd Summative examination will be on November 11-13, 2009. We wish to remind everyone to update the tuition fee payment in order to avoid suspension of accorded privileges. As a private school we implement No permit No exam policy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Resume of Classes!

We would like to inform everyone, parents and students that the resume of classes will be on November 3, 2009. Thank you and enjoy your long vacation with your love ones.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Schedule of the admin office

Schedule & hours of admin & accounting office During the semestral break.Accounting office is open until October 31, 2009 to accept payment of tuition fees.

October 26 – 30, 2009: 8am – 5pm
October 31, 2009: 9am – 12noon.

We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges. Enjoy your semestral vacation.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Schedule of semestral break!

Regarding Schedule of classes.

October 26 – 28, 2009 : Regular classes
October 29 – November 2, 2009 : Semestral break
November 3, 2009 : Resume of classes

Schedule & hours of admin & accounting office:
Accounting office is open until October 31, 2009 to accept payment of tuition fees.

October 26 – 30, 2009: 8am – 5pm
October 31, 2009: 9am – 12noon

Rebates applies to early payment.
Surcharges applies for payment starting November 4.

During the semestral break you can email us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com

Monday, October 19, 2009

Congatulation to the following Raffle Winners!

The following winners of the raffle draw ticket for Mr & Ms. NYAI.

3rd Prize - Chesha Terenueva
San Roque, Sangandaan, Quezon City.

2nd Prize - Rolando Pastoral
Sito Pajo, Baesa, QC

1st Prize - Zoe Grace
Project 8, Quezon City

Congatulations and more power!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Congratulations to the new little & Mr & Ms NYAI 2009

Ms. NYAI 2009 - Anabel Gonzales
Mr. NYAI 2009 - Zar Daluz
Little Ms. NYAI 2009 - Star Ramoy
Little Mr. NYAI 2009 - Mark Uybubulante

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday Classes starting October 17, 2009.

As per DepEd instruction we wish to inform you that starting this Saturday, October 17, 2009 the school will have regular classes until such time that we will be able to fill-in the number of days of which we cancelled classes due to a series of holidays and natural calamities.

Further, we wish to invite you for the releasing of your children's report cards tomorrow at 9:00am. Advisers will be the ones to release the students' cards so they maybe able to have a brief conference with you regarding your child's performance for the second grading period.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Picture from the field trip!

Snapshots from the field trip, students and parents both enjoy the tiring but rewarding trip. For more photos you can visit the website at http://www.northyorkinstitute.webs.com/.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Elementary, HS classes to resume Monday

MANILA - The Department of Education (DepEd) on Saturday announced that classes from pre-school to secondary levels in Metro Manila will resume on Monday.
Kenneth Tirado of the DepEd's public information office said the class resumption covers private and public schools.
Tirado, meanwhile, said classes in schools that are being used as evacuation centers for the victims of tropical storm Ondoy will remain suspended.
The National Disaster Coordinating Council said 226 school buildings, majority of which in Metro Manila, are currently housing 12,560 families or 26,212 persons.
The agency added that Ondoy's onslaught last weekend damaged 331 elementary school buildings and 88 high schools.
Tirado said parents and students should also watch out for announcements from their respective local governments regarding class suspensions.
The Commission on Higher Education, which has supervision over colleges and universities, has yet to make a similar announcement. It suspended classes until Saturday due to the tropical storm.

DepEd announcement Sept 29

Education Secretary Jesli Lapus earlier announced that elementary and high school classes in public and private schools in Metro Manila will remain suspended until Friday, October 2, due to the devastating effects of tropical storm Ondoy.
Lapus said the government is giving local government and school officials the discretion of suspending classes.
"Depending on local conditions in other areas, local government and school authorities may exercise judgment to suspend classes," Lapus said.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are open!

We are open from 9am to 5pm (Monday to Saturday) in order to accommodate transactions. We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Field Trip

Please be informed that the educational trip is re-scheduled on October 6, 2009. We still accept late payments for the field trip and the 2nd quarter examination is scheduled on October 8 to 10 (Thursday, friday and Saturday).

We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.

Suspension of Classes due to typhoon is automatic when suspension is announced by DepEd and when the typhoon signal commences. Please refer to the Student Handbook for instruction.

Reporting on a Saturday or half day classes (program, projects or practice) will always be accompanied by a letter for parent’s information and consent, a copy of this letter/announcement is also posted in our website. No outside school group/class practices. Students will be sanctioned accordingly.

The admission and the accounting office is open from 8am to 5pm in order to accomodate transactions. If you have any questions kindly call us for more info.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Congratulation Kevin Okonji Grade 4 Student of NYAI

In the recently concluded Spelling Bee Challenge 2009 organized by Inter-School Academic & Athelic League of Quezon City, in cooperation of Our Lady of Fatima University. Wherein representatives from different schools pitted their talents against each other students of North York Allied Institute,

Kevin Okonji Grade-4 adviser Teacher Asis
Won 2nd place

Our student bested the other 60 representatives, more or less to win the prestigious awards. Congratulations! We are proud of you North Yorker.
Other NYAI students who made it to the final elimination round are the following;
- Junio, John Lee Gerard (Grade 3) Adviser Teacher Ness
- Aranzanso, Arvin Jason (Grade 5) Adviser Teacher Chris
- Alvarez, Ma. Sofia Rose (Grade 6) Adviser Teacher Rina

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School level:
Daluz, Zarr - 320 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School Level:

Gonzales, Ma. Annabel - 200 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School Level:
Escota, Sophiya - 320 Votes

Mr. & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:
Uybubulante, John Mark - 1,500 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:

Alvarez, Ma. Sofia Rose - 500 Votes

Result of the First Counting of Mr & Ms NYAI 2009

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:
Bea Fajardo - 300 votes

Monday, September 14, 2009

Arise the Phoenix

Journey with us as we present to you

the beacon of beauty, simplicity and understanding, defender of knowledge, source of tranquility behold... the true North

King & Queen of NYAI 2009

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidates

Zarr Daluz - 4th Year British Columbia

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Sphiya Escota - 4th year British Columbia

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Patrice Ann Badoria - 2nd Year Ontario

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Ma. Sofia Rose Alvarez - Grade 6 Finch

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Ma. Estrella Ramoy - Grade 1 - Barrie

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

John Mark Uybubulante - Grade 1 Barrie

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

Bea Fajardo - Grade 4 Downsview

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

Annabel Gonzales - 3rd Year Saskatchewan

KIng & Queen Of NYAI 2009 official Candidates

Adriel Russel Baylon - Grade 2 (Hamilton)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Classes today is not suspended

We wish to informed everybody that in spite the declaration of Deped regarding suspension of classes today September 9, 2009. NYAI wish to announced that we still have classes today for the 2nd summative exam. However, students will be dismissed early. For more info you can call the admission office.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Congratulations to the following North York Students for winning the journalism award for the
District II-A Presscon, sponsored by DepEd Quezon City Division held at New Era High School.

Mabelle Gonzales – 3rd Year Saskatchewan (News writing Category)
Jim Hermida – 3rd Year Saskatchewan (Editorial Category)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2nd Summative Exam

The 2nd summative examination will be on September 9, 10, 11, 2009. We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Legal Holidays!

Parents and students are advised regarding the following holidays this week. We have no classes this coming wednesday, August 19, 2009 (Quezon City Day) and this coming friday August 21 (Ninoy Aquino Day). If you have any further inquiries kindly email us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com, and on thursday August 20, we will observed early dismissal (afternoon classes only) to accomodate the general meeting of all NYAI staff teaching & non-teaching. Again, thank you for your usual cooperation.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Announcement Regarding Report Card Distribution.

We wish to inform our dear parents that due to the series of natural weather disturbances of which a lot of days have been declared no classes, we are moving the distribution of the report cards from its original schedule - August 14, 2009 to August 20, 2009. At this juncture, we wish to remind our parents that the same date would also be the Parent - Teacher Conference. Hence, we are expecting your 100% attendance so that you could make the necessary follow-ups.

We are hoping for your most kind understanding and cooperation.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Field Trip 2009!

Level: High School
Location: Bauan Batangas
Integrated subjects:
Chemistry, Environment Studies
Learning Enhancement: On-board & on-site lectures, dynamics and science behind SCUBA, fish and coral identification, skin-diving, hike and option for into SCUBA.

Level: Preschool & Grade School
Location: Morong-Baras-Tanay Rizal
Integrated subjects:
Asian Folklore, Math & Science
Learning Enhancement:
On-board & on-site lectures, community integration, church visits, wading, group games and dynamics, hiking.

The schedule of field trip is on October 21, 2009. For more info regarding payment kindly call us or visit the accounting department.

First Periodical Examination Schedule

Morning Session:
Date/Subjects Date/Subjects Date/Subjects
Time: August 6 August 7 August 10
8-9:00am Math Science English
9-9:30am Vacant Vacant Vacant
9:30am-10:30am Filipino AP TLE
10:30am-11:00am Vacant Vacant Vacant
11:00-12:00nn MAPEH Computer Values Ed.

Afternoon Session:

1:00pm-2:00pm Math Science English
2:00pm-2:30pm Vacant Vacant Vacant
2:30pm-3:30pm Filipino AP TLE
3:30pm-4:00pm Vacant Vacant Vacant
4:00pm-5:00pm MAPEH Computer Values Ed

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 5, 2009: Holiday

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared August 5, 2009, a non-working special holiday.
Fist Quarter examination will be moved to Aug 6,7 and Aug. 10. Rebates for early tuition payments is already due. Regular payments applies today, starting tomorrow surcharges apply for late payments as stated in our student manual.
Please be guided accordingly.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mr & Ms NYAI Soon!

On October 2009, a new king & Queen of NYAI will be emerging.

The crowned jewel of fairness and equality. Desirable beauty and protector of North & South.
North Yorkers, this year journey with us
and prepare for
the age of legacy!

King & Queen of NYAI 2009.

Nutrition Month Culminating Activity Photos

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nutrition Month Activity

We wish to inform all parents that tomorrow Thursday, July 30, 2009 all classes will be done in the morning to give our children the chance to prepare for the activity on Friday which is the culmination day of the Nutrition month celebration.

Elementary students are asked to bring only thier small bags for they are expected to do the following activities in the afternoon to ensure that the occasion will be a success: practice for thier presentations, preparation of thier attires and secure provisions for the next day's occasion.

We wish to invite you to the above-mentioned activity for we believe that your presence could add more life and color into it. An invitation program is especially made for all the parent's information and guidance. Thank you very much and God bless.

Monday, July 13, 2009

DepEd Quezon City Division Visited NYAI

DepEd Quezon City Division, visit North York Allied Institute for its permit application for the school year 2009-2010. The DepeEd inspection officers headed by Mrs. Santos was amazed by the set-up made by the North York personnel.

Mrs. Santos, instructed the school to maximized the resources, the room, the laboratory, and reiterated to continue to implement the quality education to all its students.

Among the past administrator and faculty line-up this year is the best line-up of admin & faculty according to the NYAI board of directors. “The parents and even student’s can attest to that claimed”, says Sir Jojo the school Vice President. This year is the first year we implement our reading program from preschool to 2nd year High school.

North York Allied Institute envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge thru exceptional research, teaching, academic freedom, accessible education and world class innovation.

This year North York Allied Institute will celebrate its 5th year as an institution. The NYAI Management already planning for a month long activities in order to beef-up the activity. Again, long live North Yorkers!

Monday, July 6, 2009


We will hold several seminars for individuals seeking information about studying and living in the UK. The seminars are free of charge and are open to the public. Please see the latest seminar schedules below
Pre-Departure Briefing
24 July 20095:00 PM – 8:00 PMBritish Council Office
This seminar is for students who have been offered a place in anyUK university or educational institution at any level and are nowpreparing to leave for the UK. The briefing will give practical informationon living and studying in the UK. Personal health and safety, managingexpenses as a student, travelling, adapting to a new academic environment,are some of the topics that will be discussed. Filipinos who have studied inthe UK will be sharing their experiences as well for an open forum discussion.
Attendees of previous briefings have found it very useful as it has helped themmanage their expectations enabling them to adjust well in the UK. Educationcounsellors from the British Council and some University representatives willbe present to deliver the presentations and respond to enquiries.
This pre-departure briefing is free of charge.
To pre-register, please email your name and contact informationto educationuk@britishcouncil.org.ph and include "Pre-Departure Seminar Registration" as the subject heading.

Employability and UK Education
14 August 20095:00 PM – 8:00 PMBritish Council Office
Discover the employment opportunities that open to students after their studies both here and overseas. Speakers will talk about their UK experience and howit has helped them in their careers. Practical tips on how to increase youremployment opportunities will also be given.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Supreme Student Council SY 2009-2010

Student Council Officers S.Y. 2009-2010

President: Apple Concepcion
Vice President: Ma. Anabelle Gonzales
Secretary: April Joy Aranzanso
Treasurer: Gracel Napoles
Auditor: Sophia Escota

Peace Officers:
Meruel De Leon
Sammy Gorospe

Mass Media Officers:
Ma. Christina Angeles
Mhazee Fernandez

First Year: Cherry Barbado
Second Year: Eunice Adah Macalinao
Third Year: Zephyr Marie Jalea
Fourth Year: John Evan Gallardo

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bienvenue, North Yorkers!

Dear Parents:
Bienvenue, North Yorkers!
Welcome to school year 2009-2010! It is our pleasure and privilege to be of service to you this school year. With grateful hearts, we thank you. For more orderly and harmonious partnership, we wish to emphasize to you the following:
1. All enrolled students must follow the guidelines on uniform. All students are expected to be in uniform by the second week of July. Please coordinate with the admission office regarding sizes and other concerns.
2. Publishers have started pulling out books since last week of June, make sure that your child has the complete set of books required. Please make the necessary reservation at the admission office.
3. We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.
4. Withdrawal from the school this week disqualifies a student for refund. Withdrawal from the school during the school year without valid reason warrants payment for the whole school year.
5. Only students with gate pass will be allowed to leave the school campus during early dismissal, and suspension of classes due to typhoon.
6. Suspension of Classes due to typhoon is automatic when suspension is announced by DepEd and when the typhoon signal commences. Please refer to the Student Handbook for instruction.
7. Reporting on a Saturday or half day classes (program, projects or practice) will always be accompanied by a letter for parent’s information and consent, a copy of this letter/announcement is also posted in our website. No outside school group/class practices. Students will be sanctioned accordingly.
8. The school is a formal setting for learning. All NYAI Family members (personnel, parents, students and even friends/guests) are expected to observe the SCHOOL ATTIRE CODE. School Attire means – No slippers, No boxer/sport shorts, No sando/sleeveless t-shirt, No house dress/sleep wears – only appropriate/decent attire. Let us all be conscious of appropriateness.
9. The school will exert all its effort to minimize unnecessary expenses without sacrificing experiential learning. Please anticipate outbound learning activities and recollections (grade 6 & 4th year levels). Only major celebrations will be held off campus such as Intramurals & Foundation day. Other school activities will be held inside the school.
10. For school daily updates and info you can always visit us at http://www.northyorkinstitute.webs.com/ or http://www.northyorkinstitute.blogspot.com/ or email us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com.
11. We encouraged parents to familiarize themselves with the content of the student handbook and see to it that all policies/guidelines/provision stipulated therein are strictly followed by their children.
12. Lastly, please support your child in his learning journey with constant follow-ups and positive motivation to perform well in school, both in academics and behavior.
May our partnership strengthen the stewardship to our children!
Ramon N. Gemina Jr.
Vice President

Thursday, June 11, 2009

“Teaching Knowledge test; an ESOL Qualification and Assessment Tool for teachers”

NYAI teachers will attend the British Council free presentation entitled “Teaching Knowledge test; an ESOL Qualification and Assessment Tool for teachers” for language centre, private school and review centre administrators. The event aims to inform the audience about what TKT is and how it can add value for anyone involved in English language teaching in the Philippines.

The TKT assesses one’s knowledge about the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, and concentrates on the knowledge needed by all English language teachers.
The programme will include presentations on the TKT suite of tests, a case study of the benefits of TKT certification for local private school and a presentation by Future Perfect’s Stephen Finch on how to prepare inexperienced teachers for the qualification.

The presentation will be on Tuesday, June 16, 4:00PM at the British Council in Ortigas Center, Pasig City.

NAT Review!

NAT Review for 2nd year students will start on June 20, 2009. Students are encouraged to attend the said free review. For more info kindly coordinate with Sir Pino the school Principal or the admission department.


We will hold several seminars for individuals seeking information about studying and living in the UK. The seminars are free of charge and are open to the public. Please see the latest seminar schedules below.

Pre-Departure Briefing
24 July 20095:00 PM – 8:00 PMBritish Council Office
This seminar is for students who have been offered a place in anyUK university or educational institution at any level and are nowpreparing to leave for the UK. The briefing will give practical informationon living and studying in the UK. Personal health and safety, managingexpenses as a student, travelling, adapting to a new academic environment,are some of the topics that will be discussed. Filipinos who have studied inthe UK will be sharing their experiences as well for an open forum discussion.
Attendees of previous briefings have found it very useful as it has helped themmanage their expectations enabling them to adjust well in the UK. Educationcounsellors from the British Council and some University representatives willbe present to deliver the presentations and respond to enquiries.
This pre-departure briefing is free of charge.
To pre-register, please email your name and contact informationto educationuk@britishcouncil.org.ph and include "Pre-Departure Seminar Registration" as the subject heading.

Employability and UK Education
14 August 20095:00 PM – 8:00 PMBritish Council Office
Discover the employment opportunities that open to students after their studies both here and overseas. Speakers will talk about their UK experience and howit has helped them in their careers. Practical tips on how to increase youremployment opportunities will also be given.
More details will be posted on our website as the event comes closer.

West End College!

West End College will be in the Philippines from25 to 26 June, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the British Council office.

They offer English Language Courses, Professional Programmes, Undergraduate Pathways, Postgraduate and Executive Programmes focusing on accounting, business and computer studies.
Interested students are welcome to meet West End College’s representatives, Mr. Rajesh Pillai and Ms. Fanni Adrian.
Admission is free.
If you would like to pre-register for this event, please click here.
West End College is a licensed Education provider of the UK Border Agency. For more information please visitwww.w-e-c-l.co.uk

Our New Phone number!

Please be informed that we have a new phone line with number: 454-5734.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Region : NCR
Division: Quezon City
School: North York Allied Institute

The following students of North York Allied Institute top the National Achievement Test (NAT) last March 2009.

Name of student: Percentage score:
1. Gonzales, Ma. Anabelle S. 58%
2. Salazar, Adrian Paolo 52.33%
3. Quirante, Carlo Angelo 51.67%

Opening of Classes and Orientation

Please be informed that the opening of classes will be on June 8, 2009 and the orientation for parents and students will be on June 11, 2009.

Schedule of classes:

2nd Floor:

Room E (laboratory room) AM: 4th Year British Columbia
PM: 3rd Year Saskatchewan

Room F AM: Grade 4 Downsview
PM: Grade 1 Barrie

3rd Floor:

Room H AM: 2nd Year Ontario
PM: Grade 3 Niagara

Room I AM: Grade 6 Finch
PM: Grdae 2 Hamilton

Room G AM: Grade 5 Northbay
PM: First Year Nova Scotia

For more info regarding detailed schedules, kindly call us at the admission office.

Monday, May 25, 2009


British council & British embassy will hold a free seminar on the new Points Based System (PBS) student visa applications. PBS has been in effect since 01 April 2009 and because of recent changes some visa applications have been refused due in some parts to inaccuracies or incomplete information with regard to application requirements. This free seminar aims to help potential students with their questions on the visa application process
Debunk the myths and get the facts straight from British visa officials in the Philippines. If you are a student or an education agent, we invite you to join the free seminar on:
Date : 19 June 2009Time: 6:00 pmVenue: British Council 10th Floor, Taipan Place F. Ortigas Jr. Road (formerly Emerald Avenue)
The hour-long seminar is presented by the British Embassy and the British Council.A 20 minute open forum follows the presentation.
To pre-register and reserve a slot, please send your name and contact information to educationuk@britishcouncil.org.ph

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Temporary Problem with our PLDT connection!

We would like to inform our students and parents that our PLDT connection is temporary unavailable due to reconnection & maintenance of the school DSL and wifi connection. For the meantime any inquiries and transaction you can contact us in our Bayantel number at 409-7220, or visit us anytime from Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


North York Allied Institute, would like to inform all students and parents that the opening of classes for school year 2009-2010 will be on June 8, 2009. Releasing of books will be on the following dates: May 23, June 1 and June 16. After the schedule release, books will no longer available, we advised parents to observe the schedules.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend their child first day of school for the orientation of the school rules and regulation as stipulated in our Student Handbook 2009 edition. NYAI Student handbook is intended to guide the students and parents to ensure that all policies and procedures, rules and regulations of the school are being implemented, communicated and understood by the stakeholders.

Both parents/guardians and students are expected to understand and abide by the provision stated in the student handbook. The school management expects that the commitment of the parents is in unison with the school in molding its students according to the NYAI principles.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Summer Youth Program Now on-going: Will run from May 2-May 30

Summer Youth Program Schedule of Activities:

· Cooking Workshop: Monday & Friday: 9am – 11am
· Taekwondo: Monday & Friday: 1pm – 2:30pm
· Arts & Crafts
(Modeling/ Acting): Wednesday: 1pm-3pm
· French Language: Tuesday & Thursday: 9am-10:30am
· Reading Program: Tuesday & Thursday: 1pm-2:30pm
· Ballet: Wednesday: 9am-11am

Pictures from the activity will posted soon.

Enrollment Still on-going!

Enrollment still on-going, for preschool, grade school and high school. For more info please call the admission office at 409-7220.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

North York Allied Institute Annual School Outing!

North York Allied Institute, will be celebrating its annual school outing and get together on Wednesday & thursday Aprill 22 and April 23. Students and parents are advice of the following schedules:

Aprill 22: Halfday (the school will open from 7am untill 12noon only)
April 23: Halfday (the school is open 2pm to 5pm only)

Starting April 24, Friday regular schedule will be observed.

All inquiries are advised to emial us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Invitation from our tie-up school in the UK: Crest School of English

It is the best time to study in the UK, as it is now sunny and warm and the days are getting longer!
Most importantly, the UK Pound Stirling is much more affordable than ever!

I am also very pleased to let you know that Crest Schools of English has been graded A as a Tier 4 sponsor by the UK Border Agency (the Home Office) under the Points Based System, which has been applied since 30th March 2009.

You can find more information about the new visa system on our website at http://www.crestschools.com/visa-info/general-visa-information.html. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

We are more than happy to arrange special offers/packages to help students who need to improve their English language skills or are interested in learning English language. Please do not hesitate to let me know when you have any enquiries.

For more info kindly call the admin office of North York Allied Institute and look for Sir Jojo.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Open letter

We would like to let you know of our deepest gratitude for bearing with us the previous school year. The North York Management has encountered a lot of problems in relation to its primary goal of ensuring quality education. Last quarter of 2008, we deliberately pursued a comprehensive evaluation of our teachers to check on the quality that our school is inclined to observe. We were dismayed with the results particularly the evaluation that was accomplished by the students themselves. Only a few made it to the list of teachers who they think would pass according to their standards. Ironically, our VP and CEO who augmented the faculty line up only last November clinched the 2nd highest in rank.
The management made a tough decision. A scheme to beef up the faculty was introduced but unfortunately we cannot overhaul the line up of teachers since that would even more affect the students.
We waited,for a year and,this time we are keen on overhauling the,faculty and,staffing line up. For school year 2009-2610, we will only renew around four members of the faculty. We will retain them for the following reasons;
1. They were able,to live up the expectations of the North York students by figuring,out among the top 5 faculty members in the evaluation.
2. They were able to pass the character, dedication and commitment evaluation.
3. They have proven their worth and love for teaching.
As for the managerial set up and staffing, we are also reorganizing the old structure. We will introduce a new line up that will compliment the Principal, Guidance Councilor, including the Registrar’s office.

Rest assured that we will abide on our foremost goal as an educational institution to provide a scientific, quality and well rounded education.
Once again, we would like to reiterate our heartfelt thanks and may we continue to strive hard for the best education for our children.

Very truly yours,


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You can now reach us at the following website and e-mail ad>

You can also visit us at http://www.northyorkinstitute.webs.com/, or email us at northyork.institute@yahoo.com. Students and parents are advised to visit us everyday for more info and updated school information.

Earth Hour

On March 28,2009 at 8:30pm the world will turn off light for one hour this act called Earth hour. It's a strong message of hope, a call to action for every individual, government and business to take responsibility and jointly ensure a sustainable future. For more info kindly visit www.earthhour.org

North York Allied Institute, its student and employees are encourage to actively participate the earth hour.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ruthin School Scholarship

Ruthin School Scholarship:

Ruthin School (
www.ruthinschool.co.uk) is offering seven students from anywhere in the world a 2-year A-Level Scholarship for 2009/10. Each scholarship, worth £40,000, includes full boarding, tuition and transport to and from Manchester airport. They also include accommodation and supervision in the Half Term and Easter holidays. The parents of the successful applicants would need to be able to pay for flights from UK to their home country (two return flights per year, as the students would return home for Christmas and Summer holidays). They would also need to pay a £1,000 deposit, which would be refunded when their child leaves the school.
Applicants must be children that are of school age by 1 September this year (i.e. 18 or less). Whilst students less than 16 are eligible, potential applicants should be aware that the scholarships are for A-levels. Students in the UK are usually 16 or 17 on 1 September in the year they begin their A-levels. Students younger than this may still apply.
Applicants will need to take an exam at the British Council on 18 April 2009.
The exams are in English. So a high standard of written English will be important.
Application Procedure
Application form available at the admission office c/o Sir Jojo. Submit the completed application form along with all required attachments on or before 13 April, Monday, 4:00 pm. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. The deadline will be strictly followed. Eligible applicants will be called to the British Council to take the qualifying exam on 18 April.
More Information
For more information, you may call William Gancia or Alec Ladanga at 914 1011 to 14 or email

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Update for the Canadian Scholarship Voucher

Due to the increasing demand by parents, we request the Fil-Canadian Womens association to grand us another 10 vouchers for our old students. In behalf of the NYAI Management thank you again for your trust and confidence. In return our curriculum will now include the CARS reading program starting SY 2009-2010. We will include the reading program in our Summer Youth Program this coming May.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Please be informed that we no longer renew the contract of our current teachers except for the teachers listed in the previous blog. The decision is based in their performance, student's evaluation, and daily monitoring. All transactions in terms of payment, tutorial in behalf of the current faculty line-up will no longer honored by the school.

Reading Program for Preschool, Grade school & High School will be introduced to SYP 2009!

Reading program that will be included in our current curriculum for the school year 2009-2010 will be introduced in our summer youth program this May for free.


General. With the belief that Man, as an image of God, is endowed with potentials that should be tapped and developed, the Summer Youth Program is organized to discover talents in youth that needs nurturing.
Specific. As a marketing strategy, to promote the school as a venue for developing talents in our youth thereby showcasing NYAI as an institution that empowers the minds of its students by honing their God-given potentials into full-blown talents endemic in their personalities;
To mold the key aspects of the student’s personality necessary for his survival in the real world.

It is open to all youth ages 5 to 19 yrs old. Different skills activities will be offered and enrollees are given the option to choose from different offerings/activities. A student may enroll in more than one activity but not more than two, provided there is no overlap in schedule and there is no conflict of interest.
A Medical Certificate is required from students to assess fitness in activities that requires enormous physical exertion.
Other requirements, are as follows: Filled-up application Forms duly signed by parents/guardians, copy of birth certificate, (1) copy 2 x 2 ID picture to be attached to the application form, (1)copy 1 x 1 ID picture for the school ID.

Registration for the SYP is on-going at the admission office.

Activities: Date/Schedule

1. Acquaintance Party – (kick-off Feast) May 2, 2009
2. Activity Proper Month long activity (May)
3. Recital/Closing Ceremony May 31, 2009

Activity Proper:
1. Cooking Workshop Every Monday and Friday
2. Acting/Modeling Workshop Every MWF
3. Taekwondo Every Tuesday and Thursday
4. Painting Lessons Every MWF
5. Language Lesson (French class) Every MWF
6. Ballet Class
Pre-School Every Monday
Grade School Every Wednesday
High School Every Friday
7. Reading Program (preschool to high school) Mon-Friday

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Student NIght A Huge Success!

The latest pictures from the much awaited student night at Semeo Innotech. Mr. Xyro Labampa and Ms. Apple Conception was crowned Mr. & Ms. Student Night. For the complete pictures of the student night you can check the school fs account at northyork.institute@yahoo.com or visit the school web site at www.northyorkinstitute.webs.com.