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NYAI Profile

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Quezon City, Manila, Philippines
VISION & MISSION STATEMENT North York Allied Institute Vision NYAI, Inc. envisions itself as a center of excellence in the diffusion of knowledge with exceptional research and teaching through dedication in academic freedom, accessible education and world-class innovation. North York Allied Institute Mission NYAI, Inc. Shall mold the key aspects of the student’s personality quintessential to their journey towards the real world, by preparing their mental, physical and spiritual development and ensure that good values are inculcated in their moral fiber thereby assuring our society of good honest and educated citizens. Were located at #9 Vipra st. Bryg. Sangandaan Project 8 Quezon City, Our Phone numbers: 938-7805, 409-7220

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are open!

We are open from 9am to 5pm (Monday to Saturday) in order to accommodate transactions. We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Field Trip

Please be informed that the educational trip is re-scheduled on October 6, 2009. We still accept late payments for the field trip and the 2nd quarter examination is scheduled on October 8 to 10 (Thursday, friday and Saturday).

We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.

Suspension of Classes due to typhoon is automatic when suspension is announced by DepEd and when the typhoon signal commences. Please refer to the Student Handbook for instruction.

Reporting on a Saturday or half day classes (program, projects or practice) will always be accompanied by a letter for parent’s information and consent, a copy of this letter/announcement is also posted in our website. No outside school group/class practices. Students will be sanctioned accordingly.

The admission and the accounting office is open from 8am to 5pm in order to accomodate transactions. If you have any questions kindly call us for more info.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Congratulation Kevin Okonji Grade 4 Student of NYAI

In the recently concluded Spelling Bee Challenge 2009 organized by Inter-School Academic & Athelic League of Quezon City, in cooperation of Our Lady of Fatima University. Wherein representatives from different schools pitted their talents against each other students of North York Allied Institute,

Kevin Okonji Grade-4 adviser Teacher Asis
Won 2nd place

Our student bested the other 60 representatives, more or less to win the prestigious awards. Congratulations! We are proud of you North Yorker.
Other NYAI students who made it to the final elimination round are the following;
- Junio, John Lee Gerard (Grade 3) Adviser Teacher Ness
- Aranzanso, Arvin Jason (Grade 5) Adviser Teacher Chris
- Alvarez, Ma. Sofia Rose (Grade 6) Adviser Teacher Rina

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School level:
Daluz, Zarr - 320 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School Level:

Gonzales, Ma. Annabel - 200 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

High School Level:
Escota, Sophiya - 320 Votes

Mr. & Ms NYAI First Counting Result

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:
Uybubulante, John Mark - 1,500 Votes

Mr & Ms NYAI First Counting

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:

Alvarez, Ma. Sofia Rose - 500 Votes

Result of the First Counting of Mr & Ms NYAI 2009

Congratulations to all the top earners in the recently concluded first counting.

Grade School Level:
Bea Fajardo - 300 votes

Monday, September 14, 2009

Arise the Phoenix

Journey with us as we present to you

the beacon of beauty, simplicity and understanding, defender of knowledge, source of tranquility behold... the true North

King & Queen of NYAI 2009

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidates

Zarr Daluz - 4th Year British Columbia

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Sphiya Escota - 4th year British Columbia

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Patrice Ann Badoria - 2nd Year Ontario

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Ma. Sofia Rose Alvarez - Grade 6 Finch

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Candidate

Ma. Estrella Ramoy - Grade 1 - Barrie

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

John Mark Uybubulante - Grade 1 Barrie

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

Bea Fajardo - Grade 4 Downsview

King & Queen of NYAI 2009 Contestant

Annabel Gonzales - 3rd Year Saskatchewan

KIng & Queen Of NYAI 2009 official Candidates

Adriel Russel Baylon - Grade 2 (Hamilton)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Classes today is not suspended

We wish to informed everybody that in spite the declaration of Deped regarding suspension of classes today September 9, 2009. NYAI wish to announced that we still have classes today for the 2nd summative exam. However, students will be dismissed early. For more info you can call the admission office.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Congratulations to the following North York Students for winning the journalism award for the
District II-A Presscon, sponsored by DepEd Quezon City Division held at New Era High School.

Mabelle Gonzales – 3rd Year Saskatchewan (News writing Category)
Jim Hermida – 3rd Year Saskatchewan (Editorial Category)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2nd Summative Exam

The 2nd summative examination will be on September 9, 10, 11, 2009. We wish to remind everyone to keep the due dates for tuition fee payment to avoid surcharge and suspension of accorded privileges.